Solar LED
street lighting

  • It is independent on the voltage supply
  • It has no running costs
  • It is completely service-free technology
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Complete specification

Solar LED street lighting of the LEDEOS EV3 12 series is completely independent on the voltage supply, thus it is suitable for fitting it to places with power supply problems.

Solar street lighting is 90% in the stand-by mode and work only 10% in full power. This is thanks to the sun relay which secures that the solar lamps shine only when needed. Solar street lighting includes a PIR sensor, or also a motion sensor, which controls switching on and off the solar lamp.

Complete solar LED street lighting will be assembled according to the customer´s requirements.


The solar assembly is composed of a solar panel and a supporting frame. We offer two ways of attachment:



Panel 115 Wpp

The standard solar assembly for regular operation is the solar panel 115 Wpp.


Panel 230 Wpp

For more demanding conditions (worse availability of sunshine), we recommend the solar panel 230 Wpp.


Panel 144 Wpp

The standard solar assembly for regular operation is the configuration with 144 Wpp.

What are the main parameters and benefits of vertical solar panels?

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  • They are placed more perpendicular to the sun’s rays, which allows a higher efficiency of solar energy use compared to vecrtical panels 
  • Thanks to the higher efficiency, the panels can be placed in less sunny places and still absorb enough solar energy 
  • They have smaller dimensions than vertical panels – they are more compact and easier to install even in a limited space 
  • They have a higher resistance to snow and ice – due to the principle of the shape of the panel, less snow and ice settles on them 
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We also offer a rounded version of vertical solar panels under the name SOLAR TUBE. This is an upgrade of the aforementioned four-sided vertical panels in terms of design, installation, and performance.

  • The performance of the panels is positively influenced by the 360° absorption surface, so even during winter or cloudy weather, a significant portion of sunlight reaches the panel.
  • A major advantage is modularity, meaning individual modules can be stacked on a pole. The pole can be equipped with one to four modules to increase performance (e.g., when installing a charger or camera on a light pole).
  • The attractive design further emphasizes these advantages, and a layperson often won’t even recognize it as a solar panel.
  • There is no need to adjust the panels toward the sunlight, as is typically required with the classic 115 and 230 Wpp variants.

Basic technical parameters

  • Dimensions: inner diameter: 145 mm, outer diameter: 175 mm, height: 1,000 mm
  • Panel type: monocrystalline
  • Maximum output of 1 module (tube): 100 W
  • Number of modules per pole: 1 – 4
  • Mechanical resistance: IP65
  • Weight of 1 module (tube): 7.3 kg

Column lighting GALAXY and GALAXY Vertical

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From the summer of 2024, we have included column luminaires with the brand name GALAXY in our offer. This product fills a gap in the market for suitable lighting for walkways, cycle paths, parks, and even gardens. The trend is moving towards low-profile, discreet luminaires with minimal energy consumption, ideally solar-powered, with remote control options and a range of functions. GALAXY can emit an orange light, similar to the color of a burning candle, which does not attract insects and is natural for both biomass and humans at night

GALAXY columns can be an alternative for those who are aware of these facts and wish to reduce the impact of lighting on the surrounding nature. Let’s take a look at the basic technical parameters of both types of luminaires, which are mostly the same for both types:

Basic Technical Parameters

  • Lighting Type               LED 1800 (Amber) / 3000 K
  • Solar Panel                  Monocrystalline 68W (GALAXY Vertical) / 8W (GALAXY)
  • Battery                         7.4V/10AH Li-ion
  • Material                       Die-cast aluminum
  • Height                          96 cm (GALAXY Vertical) / 90 cm (GALAXY)
  • Resistance                  IK 10
  • Optics                          Circle or rectangle

VOS – WIND wind turbine as the optimal supplement for solar-powered public LED lighting

The wind turbine does not claim to replace the solar panel, can serve as a supplement to the main source of energy, i.e. the solar panel. With the unique combination of a solar panel and a wind turbine, you’ll never have to worry about your public roads staying dark. The turbine has a maximum output of 500 W, totalling 650 W in combination with the solar panel. Our innovative combination of a solar panel and a wind turbine means you are no longer dependent on a single energy source. VOS – WIND makes efficient use of natural renewable resources, and the turbine has been tested in the climate of the Czech Republic. This means you are assured of ample lighting whatever the weather. Wind turbines are generally located in shady places, as well as in spots with higher than average winds or with greater average year-round cloud cover (mountainous areas).


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Turbine technical parameters:

  • Body: aluminium alloy
  • Tail: stainless steel
  • Rotor blades: nylon filament
  • Number of rotor blades: 5
  • Rotor bearing: 2 ball-bearings
  • Rotor diameter: 1,200 mm
  • Length: 600 mm
  • Weight: 9.5 kg
  • Working temperature: -40 ~ 80 °C
  • Start-up wind speed: 2 m/s
  • Nominal wind speed: 13 m/s
  • Maximum wind speed: 50 m/s
  • Nominal speed: 900 rps
  • Maximum output: 500 W
  • Rated voltage: 12 V AC
  • Rated current: 29 A
  • Generator: 3-phase with permanent neodymium magnets
  • Control: MPPT regulator

Solar street lighting can contain

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Sun relay

The sun relay is used for controlling the lighting based on the level of the surrounding light. Sun relays have an adjustable level of lighting intensity. They save energy and time by the fact that solar lights shine only when it is needed.

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PIR sensor

The PIR sensor, or the motion sensor, scans if there is any motion in a certain distance. If the solar light with the sensor scans any motion, it will immediately switch on from the stand-by mode into full power.

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AKU BOX is a protective plastic box which includes accumulators, a terminal box and an outlet bushing. AKU BOXES can be installed on a post or into the ground. Single AKU BOXES differ in capacity (24 Ah, 40 Ah, etc.), dimensions and weight. AKU BOX with the capacity 24 Ah is recommended for regular operation.

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Secondary optics

Secondary optics increases the lit up area and enables directing the light flux.

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GPS - module

The GPS module programs the solar lighting for up to 5 modes during 24 hours. The lighting saves the operation history into a well-arranged chart.

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Combined operation battery/power network

The combined operation battery/power network is supplied from the power network 230 VAC. When connected to the power network, part of the solar lighting charges the reserve accumulator and part of the current is distributed to the load.

Exclusive offer of accessories








Mobile phone holder


Bike rack

Lights installation

We also secure solar lights installation, transport to the place of destination and quality service. Transport costs are added to the installation price.


It goes without saying that we install lighting complement individually, based on the customer´s request and according to the location.

Installation example

Why LEDEOS products


Prolonged LEDEOS

Unikátní systém chlazení LED diod. životnost 80 000 hod.

Unique system of LED diodes cooling
service life
100 000 h.

Všechny výrobky jsou vyvíjeny a vyráběny v ČR

All products
are developed
and produced
in the Czech Republic

Výrobky chráněny zákonem na ochranu duševního vlastnictví

All products
are protected by the
Intelectual Property Law