
Map of solar street and classic lighting in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Map of the wired and wireless public address system in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Map of the SPOT solar charging stations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

MINI SPOT - Charging station for electric bikes



MINI SPOT - Charging station for electric bikes



MINI SPOT - Charging station for electric bikes


Horní Čermná

MINI SPOT - Charging station for electric bikes

SPOT - Charging station for electric bikes


Kolín - ALCO CONTROLS, spol. s r.o.

SPOT - Charging station for electric bikes

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SPOT - Charging station for electric bikes

Slezská Harta

Leskovec nad Moravicí

SPOT - Charging station for electric bikes

STREET FURNITURE – solar multifunctional charging station TOP SPOT

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Rožmitál pod Třemšínem

STREET FURNITURE – Solar multifunctional charging station SPOT

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STREET FURNITURE – Solar multifunctional charging station SPOT

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Březová nad Svitavou

STREET FURNITURE – Solar multifunctional charging station SPOT

FOTO REALIZACE JD ROZHLASY solarni multifunkcni dobijeci stanice mobiliar SPOT Velky Osek

Velký Osek

STREET FURNITURE – Solar multifunctional charging station SPOT

Navrh bez nazvu 56

Horní Bečva

STREET FURNITURE – Solar multifunctional charging station SPOT



STREET FURNITURE - Solar multifunctional charging station SPOT

Solar LED street lighting

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1x EV4 1230 S GPS (ground) - RHK, 1x22 Aku Box 10Ah, LifePO4 (ground), phone holder, + compressor, 1x solar assembly 230 Wpp

Slovensky Grob

Slovenský Grob

115 x EV3 1230 S GPS STRADA with Aku Boxes, 115 x solar assembly 115 Wpp

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4 x EV3 1230 S GPS STRADA with Aku Boxes, 4 x solar assembly 115 Wpp

FOTO REALIZACE JD ROZHLASY solarni verejne LED osvetleni Belotin


There are currently 105 solar lights installed in the village

FOTO REALIZACE JD ROZHLASY solarni verejne LED osvetleni Ivanovice na Hane

Ivanovice na Hané

6x OV 1230 S GPS, 6x Aku Box typ 11, 6x solar assembly OV 80 Wpp

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Podhradní Lhota

Lighting of the interior of the bus stop with a linear luminaire and a solar assembly mounted on the facade of the stop.

Wireless radio and warning systems

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Horní Bečva

Wireless radio for municipalities

ocelice hladinomer


Level gauge

HB srazkomer

Horní Bečva

Rain gauge

Why LEDEOS products

Prodloužená záruka LEDEOS

Prolonged LEDEOS

Unikátní systém chlazení LED diod. životnost 80 000 hod.

Unique system of LED diodes cooling
service life
80 000 h.

Všechny výrobky jsou vyvíjeny a vyráběny v ČR

All products
are developed
and produced
in the Czech Republic

Výrobky chráněny zákonem na ochranu duševního vlastnictví

All products
are protected by the
Inllectual Property Law