Smart LED
street lighting

  • Maximally saving
  • Maintenance-free
  • With extrme working life
  • Most up to date technology
ikona 7

Complete specification

We produce LED street lighting with the power supply 230 V, which we call intelligent, programmable and highly saving. The power of our LED lights is from 20 – 70W, the customer can also choose the lighting temperature from white up to yellow.
We also provide above standard guarantee for our products.
Post-guarantee service is a standard practice. From the position of producer, we also guarantee preservation of the production model, also in the case of purchase in phases. If needed, we also supply new posts and jibs to our LED street lighting.

Parts of our
smart LED street lighting


Motion sensor

The light includes a motion sensor,
which shines in the stand-by mode at 30%,
after noticing a motion it will light up to 100%.
The lighting unit can be adjusted by the customer’s request or can by completely switched off.

The lighting unit can be also controlled by means of the  wireless information system AMO.


Secondary optics

Emitting characteristics of the lights can be adjusted by using secondary optics for each LED module.

LEDEOS patented
system of cooling

Each LED diode is cooled by the patented system of cooling LEDEOS
(service life 80 000 h).

Possibility of choice



Colour temperature of light

Standard colour temperature:
• neutral white – 4000 K

We also offer:
• warm – 3 000 K (2700 K)
• cold – 6 200 K

• Amber – 1 800 K

As the producer, we are forthcoming in case of atypical situations.

Installation example

Why LEDEOS products

Prodloužená záruka LEDEOS

Prolonged LEDEOS

Unikátní systém chlazení LED diod. životnost 80 000 hod.

Unique system of LED diodes cooling
service life
80 000 h.

Všechny výrobky jsou vyvíjeny a vyráběny v ČR

All products
are developed
and produced
in the Czech Republic

Výrobky chráněny zákonem na ochranu duševního vlastnictví

All products
are protected by the
Intelectual Property Law